Marx and Carnegie
1.) The bourgeois is the richer business owners. They control everything because they can control the money of a country and have control over all businesses which means they control. They are the bosses. The proletarians are the working class. They are the people controlled by the bourgeoisie and their businesses. Since they have no money to start up their own businesses, they can't have any control over their work. It is a vicious cycle to keep everyone in their current economic status so they can't take over.
2.) Expanding the world market leads to an increase in the needs of goods. That is turn also increases the bourgeois. In order to cover the demand, businesses would have to increase and at that point, the bourgeois has pushed all other classes down that they would benefit the most and continue to grow their wealth. For a nation, Marx thought expanding would just cause a bigger wealth gap between the rich and the poor.
3.) Marx thought communism would help the proletarians overthrow the bourgeois. It would cause the rich to help and give to the poor which would decrease the power the bourgeois has over the proletarians. By decreasing the wealth gap, everyone will have more equal opportunities and Marx thought this would great a healthier nation.
4.) I do think people should follow what Carnegie says. Giving to the poor will help create a more prosperous country and will help everyone to have the same opportunities as everyone else. I also feel that what Bill Gates is doing will help to solve the problem of the rich vs. the poor. The wealth gap in this country is huge and if everyone gave a little to help their neighbor, our country would be better off. However, if it is to truly work, the country needs to focus less on how much money we have and worry more about if those countries around us need help. We need to learn that if other countries are failing, no matter how prosperous the United States is, we are still affected by other countries.