Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Blog 12

Plato and Freud

1.) I believe that using our senses is very important.  Using all of them is what helps us gain an understanding of the world around us.  To take some of our senses away, we won't get the full "view" of the world as we know it.  However, people that have lost one sense are still able to live and understand the world without it, however, their view still isn't quite as complete as if they had all five senses.

2.)  I don't think it is materialistic because we are using what we were given to help us navigate the world.  However, some of the alternates we could use would be knowledge, common sense, critical thinking, and logical facts would help us to give a similar understanding.

3.)  I feel experiencing the world without the senses would be very boring.  The Earth would lose some of its wonder because everyone would view the world the same.  Part of the Earth's beauty comes from everyone seeing things a little different.  Just using facts would cause the world to become less different and less vibrant.

4.) If I could choose a sixth sense to have it would be the sense of understanding others struggles.  As people tell me a story I would be able to tell what it was like to live through that.  I feel this would help me to fully realize the struggles other face on a daily basis and help me be more accepting of others.

1.)  All of my dreams are random and I don't think they have any relevance or are important to understand because they are all very straight forward and don't have anything new to tell me.

2.) The dreams that most mystify me are the ones that are normal and not unusual in any way.  I don't understand why I would dream about me eating lunch with my friends but sometimes I have those dreams.  When my dreams could be anything, they are boring and that is the most intriguing to me.

3.) The most frightening dreams are the ones when you see someone you love get hurt.  Those are the ones that stick with you because it is hard to imagine life without them and your dreams sometimes forces you to imagine what that world would be like and how terrifying it would be.

4.)  I feel that dreaming is a mental activity.  Sometimes I think dreams are trying to tell you something but most of the time I think you dream because your brain gets bored for lack of a better word.  Sleeping is a long time for your brain to do little activity and dreaming is a way to keep your brain busy.

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