Saturday, November 26, 2016

Blog 14

Llanger and Postman

1.) Audible actions are a kind of stimuli that calms you.  They are important to calm someone down or help them to focus.

2.) A phoneme is a term for two words that look the same but have completely different meanings.  Lalling is when your speech has a kind of staggering to it, and your words don't sound right.  Lalling is something you can try to control while you can't control a phoneme.

3.) It's a new variable or something that is more than it seems.

4.) A metaphor can mean something different to different people based on their perception.  That is why a metaphor can be considered an organ of perception.

5.) Postman says that is school they test kids "smartness" however, kids can be smart in different ways.  There are multiple ways to explain how kids will be either an over or underachiever in school.

6.) I have to map the reality of a college student.  The words that help me map the territory are work and experience.  College does take a lot of work to learn what I need to in my time here.  However, the experience of college will also help me learn a lot and work my way through the map of college.

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